General Knowledge

পূর্ণনাম পূর্ণরূপ

1 min read

পূর্ণরূপঃ পূর্ণনামঃ

CPU = Central Processing Unit
RAM = Random Access Memory
ROM = Red Only Memory

ADB = Asian Development Bank
AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus

BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation
BCPL = Basic Combined Programming Language
BAPEX = Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited
BFDC = Bangladesh Film Development Corporation
BCSIR = Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
BTRC = Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission.

CNN = Cable News Network

DNA = Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
RNA = Ribonucleic Acid

ECNEC = Excecutive Commitee of National Economic Council

GSP = Generalized System of Preference.

IFD = International Fund for Agricultural Development

UNESCO = United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNDP = United Nations Development Programme

USA = United State of America
UK = United Kingdom

UNCTAD = United Nation Conference on Trade and Developments
WTO = World Trade Organization
ILO = International Labour Organization
SAFTA = South Asian Free Trade

Wi-Max= Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access.
WWW = World Wide Web
WMO = World Meteorological Organization

VoIP = Voice over Internet Protocol
VIRUS = Vital Information Resources Under Seize.
SIM = Subscriber Identity Module
SMS = Short Message Service

LPG = Liquefied Petroleum Gas

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Mithu Khan

I am a blogger and educator with a passion for sharing knowledge and insights with others. I am currently studying for my honors degree in mathematics at Govt. Edward College, Pabna.

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